• You got a job to do?

    You are using the PTV xServer with really long running requests? Like PTV xTour requests with lots of depots and orders? Or you are doing bulk address calculations with PTV xLocate? Well, then this blog post is for you!

    Take a simple (but long running) request :

    Plan plan = client.planBasicTours(transportOrders,…

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  • Howto create your own webservice clients for PTV xServers

    Some time ago the PTV xServer development team was asked whether it was possible to create a web service client without our provided java clients and the bundled cxf framework.
    The simple answer is: Yes! Those who would like to take the adventure and try it themselves should read on…

    What you need for this

    The prerequisites for this little sample are the following:

    • A JDK 6, or newer,
    • A Maven2 or Maven3 installation,
    • PTV xRoute Server (the sample runs with xRoute 1.16 but it should work with older versions too)

    Create a Maven project

    First of all we create a new directory and set up a Maven project file named pom.xml

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