Code Sample Browser adapted for the cloud

csm_codesample_cloudPTV xServer internet has a new Cloud Code Sample Browser. This new tool is optimized for the use with our cloud solution.

gear-wheelUse the gearwheel button to edit the configuration. Insert your token to test & discover PTV xServer in a live environment.

  • Enter a term in the search box to find a sample, or choose one right away.
  • Brief explanatory texts describe the content and the mode of operation of the sample in question.
  • Start each sample in a new window or using tabbed browsing.
  • Edit button opens the code editor. It contains the complete code of the sample, which can be changed.
  • Saves changes to the code to update the sample.
  • View button shows the sample again.
  • Revert button restores the initial state of the sample at any time.
  • Reset button in the configuration restores the initial Demo-Token.

CSB_Berlin Have fun playing with the new Cloud Code Sample Browser in a live environment.

If you like to use the previous version you can still access the Code Sample Browser based on the demo maps.

By Isabel Honikel

Senior Technical Product Manager