High-Performance Routing with PTV xRoute

PTVxRouteServerFinally, High-Performance Routing (HPR) becomes available for PTV xRoute with the next release 1.20.1 in August.

HPR is based on pre-calculated routing networks that use a pre-defined map and route calculation profile instead of conventional road networks. Using pre-calculated routing networks may be less flexible, but provides a huge advantage in accessing times. Especially for large distance matrix calculation instances, the speed-up is crucial.HPR

Already now, HPR is available for PTV xDima, PTV xTour and PTV xTerritory. You can have a look at the PTV xServer Manual about High-Performance Routing.

WebinarFurther information will follow in our webinar about the PTV xServer release 1.20.1 in August. You can also contact the Support Team.

By Hannah Esswein

Technical Product Manager for PTV xServer