Geocoding: 2-digit postal code search returns a non-empty result

Dear customers

following technical note is relevant to find a plausible result with a simple 2-digit postal code search.


Set the following address object exemplarily.



  • Empty string.

Expected Output:

  • D~28211~Bremen~~~location:(986360,16/6991704,49)~total score:81


Open the native-default.xml file which is located in the conf folder. Add following element into the <SearchParameters>-tag and restart the PTV xLocate Server:

<FrequencyFiltering Value=”0″ Type=”bool”/>

Please notice that the value is set to false (value=0)!

Any further questions? Don’t hesitate to contact our PTV xServer Support team.

Kind regards from Karlsruhe,

Dr. Michael Nutto


Product Manager PTV xServer

By Dr. Michael Nutto

Solution Director for PTV xServer. Responsible for the strategy of PTV xServer. I'd like to discuss market trends and requirements with our partners and end customers. Therefore, feel free to contact me about my published blogs.