PTV’s quantum jump – the new PTV xServer Cookbook

Dear all,

today, we are proudly announcing the new tutorial for PTV xServer

PTV xServer Cookbook (direct link or on Developer Zone)

which should be the entry for any developer. This html manual is divided in following sections:

  • Basic information: General technical documentation, programming topics and miscellaneous.
  • Codesamples: xLocate, xMap, xMapmatch, xRoute, xTour, xDima and add-on AJAX Maps.
  • Further meaningful information about PTV xServer.

Are you interested in Cloud solutions, http authentication and PTV xServer on premise?

Use our documentations which illustrate how to use our solutions, how to install the components or how to configure the modules. Further on we demonstrate each use case with an exemplarily and comprehensive code sample (in general we provide a Java source code, but we want to add C# samples in the near future). Please notice that we also offer code samples in Java script but you have to switch to our Code Sample Browser.

We added our programming guidelines and explained how to install a programming environment for further development activities. A huge set of code samples are available for free use, especially our relevant use cases are described in detail. Please read carefully our notes and warnings to avoid any delays or misunderstandings.

For each xServer we have a basic code sample for beginners and advanced examples for experienced developers which demonstrate specific functions or features. Attributes, parameters or any characteristics regarding a new feature are explained with introduction and code snippets. Almost in every site we support our terms with corresponding figures.

I hope you are following my enthusiasm regarding the new PTV xServer Cookbook formerly known as PTV xSDoc. Please let us know your experiences, how to improve this tutorial. Thanks to all, who put their efforts into this project to realize a new PTV xServer Cookbook.
Kind regards from Karlsruhe,

Dr. Michael Nutto

Product Management PTV xServer

By Dr. Michael Nutto

Solution Director for PTV xServer. Responsible for the strategy of PTV xServer. I'd like to discuss market trends and requirements with our partners and end customers. Therefore, feel free to contact me about my published blogs.